Sketchfab does not yet import the GLB camera animations. As a workaround, this model keeps the camera fixed and instead moves and rotates the whole world.
IMPORTANT: adjusting the camera position/rotation will ruin the trick so do NOT click and drag with your mouse.
Clearly lighting goes wrong, it’s not possible to have shadows on the ground and the background picture does not make sense but it still looks pretty cool and gives a nice demo of the power of camera animation.
This model has been created with a development version of BluffTitler:
The roller coaster has been designed in Bixleangelo:
The ride features 2 clothoid loops, a cobra roll, a batwing, a corkscrew, a hammerhead turn and a top hat.
Looking forward to the fine day Sketchfab makes this model pointless by supporting GLB camera animations!
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution